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Friday, 23 July 2021 14:31

End Of The Road - Documentary

End of the Road: "How Money Became Worthless" Documentary chronicles the global financial collapse. Told in an entertaining and easy to follow style, the film tells the story of how the world came to be in such a state, from the seeds sown after WW2, to the current troubles facing us today, and to the possible future that may await us all. Also asks influential members of the finance and investment communities for their predictions on the world’s financial future. In 2008 the world experienced financial turmoil. Markets crashed, stocks plummeted, and financial institutions thought to be invincible, collapsed. Wall Street is being occupied. Europe is collapsing in on itself. Around the world, people are consumed by fear and anger, and one question is on everyone’s lips: Was the financial crisis solved or were the problems merely kicked down the road?


Last modified on Friday, 23 July 2021 15:07
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